Wednesday, 23 October 2013

DMUGA Week 3 - Hoping I will improve :)

Wow, what a first 2 weeks eh? I'm now into my 3rd week battling through and trying to stay alive.

Visual Design this week actually went well for once, it was raining heavily so we couldn't go outside, so we went inside the Queen's building instead. Moving onto 2 point perspective, getting a good view indoors for 2 point perspective was hard at first, but we settled in a spot and just went for it. I wanted to get the general idea of how to draw in 2 point from real life first, so I did a few construction lines and went from there. My first sketch turned out kind of alright, the idea was there and I could see how the perspective worked. To do a final piece in 2 point of inside the Queen's building would take forever, so I'm glad we don't have to do that. Having done 1 sketch, Jack recommended drawing looking up, and one looking down, so we went directly up to the next level so we had the same view as before, but higher up - the horizon line was lowered for this one and it too turned out ok. First time leaving this class and feeling good about myself.
There was no live model for life drawing this time, so we went round taking turns being the model, doing quick sketches standing, and seated on the sofa. What I found difficult about this was trying to draw the figures but in clothes this time; surprisingly hard. However, I liked the way my silhouettes turned out - what I thought would not be very good at all, actually ended up being my most favourite part of the lesson!

Game production was rather interesting as it always is, still having difficulties with the texturing of the bin. I'd mapped the bin lid in such a way that the corners joined up all the way around, just like a net. However, I still don't know what the correct way to do it is, but when I did this and tried to relax the net, things kept on going crazy and I couldn't find a solution. Thus, I did what is best in this situation... do it again. So I unwrapped it/broke up the net completely and started again, this time without joining the corners together. Success! It worked, now I could relax it properly and have the chequered map all in its correct proportions. Satisfied with this, time for Photoshop (of which I only know basics). It took me a while but I finally blended the main body of the bin together so it looked seamless, and not like the front & side views just pasted onto the model.

I thoroughly enjoyed the seminar where we got to discuss our favourite game and why these games are as likable as they are. According to our brainstorms, the highest occurring game was Skyrim, coming up in 5 different groups; I mean, how can anyone dislike Skyrim!? One the most fascinating things I found whilst playing the game is how well-done all of the textures are. I would stand in random places just to enjoy the scenery, not even to play the game through the story line; just wonder around and admire the work of the artists that created such an engaging world. Another very popular game series by Rockstar Games which has had many successes and recently released the most profiting game of all time: Grand Theft Auto 5. Despite not having played this game for longer than 20mins round a friend's house, I'm amazed at how detailed everything is, from the actions & activities you can carry out, to the physical moving world that you have an all-access pass to - It is incredible. To think that not that many years ago, our generation were playing on the old Nintendo 64's, Sega's Dreamcast, Gameboy's etc, that compared to today's entertainment, were very limited in what you could experience.
In the 'Gurus & Grasshoppers' meeting last week, the 3rd years were very helpful in explaining some things in 3ds Max, and reassured me that thing's aren't that bad - which is always good to know. Also, we decided on zombie apocalypse weapons as our project which should be a blast! So, at the moment, we just have to make a little mood board of weapons for some ideas. Hopefully, it'll turn out good!

Overall, a good week of lessons, and I want to get into the swing of things more, so hopefully that'll happen.

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